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The Flexible Spending Account Administration Solution

Fast-Flex Plus software manual coordination with SmartFlex Debit Card

Below is a checklist I have created that is also a summary of what goes on behind the scenes when Fast-Flex interacts with SmartFlex.  I recommend that all SmartFlex Users keep this for a reference.  With this knowledge, you can store off copies of what Fast-Flex sends to Smartflex each time (before the files get overwritten with the next upload) and you can even "force feed" data to SmartFlex by deleting or replacing specific  "Used.*" files (described below) with prior versions of themselves.  In other words, this will give you some control over what is otherwise a totally automatic process within Fast-Flex Plus.

In order to create the SmartFlex EFAInput.txt files, Fast-Flex Plus goes through the following process as soon as the operator presses "Send" in Main Menu/Utility Programs/Export Information to Debit Card:

1.      The following files are wiped so that they can be created from scratch:

 (Note:  If you want to keep copies of these files, make copies immediately following an upload to SmartFlex)

2.      The current Fast-Flex Plus data files are copied to the following files initially and each subsequent time that EFAInput.txt is uploaded to SmartFlex:

*.EMP                             to   C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY\SmrtFlex\Used.EMP
*.DPN                             to   C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY\SmrtFlex\Used.DPN
WithHolDings in *.TRN    to   C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY\SmrtFlex\Used.DED
PAYments in *.TRN          to   C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY\SmrtFlex\Used.CLM
REQuests in *.TRN          to   C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY\SmrtFlex\Used.REQ

These files are used for comparison with the current *.EMP, *.SUP, *.DPN, and *.TRN files in order to identify additions and changes within these files since the last time data was uploaded.  (SmartFlex wants only to receive NEW information stored in Fast-Flex Plus that has not been previously sent to SmartFlex.)


3. If a new or changed record is found in the Fast-Flex Plus data files, when compared one record at a time to the “Used” files, it is added to the appropriate *.TXT file in C:\Windows\Temp.

The EFAInput.txt files are created separately by Fast-Flex Plus for Employee, Dependent, Deductions, and Claims.  These files will be found at:


 (Note:  This file will NOT be created if there are no scheduled withholdings in *.EMP)


(Note:  SmartFlex needs to receive the "available" funds for each participant for the full fiscal year, not their YTD actual withholdings)


 (Note:  This file will NOT be created if there are no scheduled withholdings in *.EMP)


(Note that if no new/changed records are found, that *.txt file will not be created and will not be sent to SmartFlex)

4.      In order and one at a time, each file listed above is copied to EFAInput.txt and then uploaded to SmartFlex .


Note:  To allow for proper processing, SmartFlex needs to wait 10 minutes between the sending of the "deductions" data and the sending of any new "dependent" data.  Fast-Flex Plus has this delay programmed into it.  Thankfully, "dependent" data shouldn't change all that often, so this 10-minute wait will only occur when changes in dependent data are entered into Fast-Flex Plus.


5.    Debit card claims and payment data will be automatically downloaded into Fast-Flex Plus whenever the operator goes to Main Menu/Data Entry/Update Withholdings.  In order for this to happen, the Smartflex EFAPSP.EXE application must be found installed on the system and logon data entered into the following screen (found at Main Menu/Utility Programs/Export Information to Debit Card) must be completed.


Main Menu/Data Entry/Update Withholdings will only add downloaded claims data to the Fast-Flex Plus transaction files if there are no errors reported by SmartFlex.  Any errors in the download file will be displayed by Fast-Flex Plus.  If the download file is error-free, then data is automatically added to the *.TRN file of Fast-Flex Plus and the C:\Program Files\FFPRO4\COMPANY.GET file is updated with the date and time that data was successfully downloaded from SmartFlex.  (This same "*.GET" file will indicate the starting time for the next download from SmartFlex - only transactions occuring AFTER the date/time recorded in the *.GET file will be downloaded.


Sequence of events to set up a new company to use the SmartFlex Debit card with Fast-Flex Plus:

1.  Contact Motivano to get the EFAPSP.EXE (Suretrack) application installed and establish UserID, Passwords, etc.  Tell Motivano that you are a Fast-Flex Plus customer.

2.  Be certain that Fast-Flex Plus is set up correctly for the client.  Pay particular attention to Main Menu/File/Company Setup.

3.  Enter ALL data into Fast-Flex Plus employee database (Main Menu/Data Entry/Employee File.  Note that you MUST enter scheduled withholdings into page 4 of 4 in order for Fast-Flex Plus to include the employee record in the upload to SmartFlex.  Pay particular attention to the "Pay frequency" and "Reimbursement Type" fields

4.  Make any special withholdings that might be required (Main Menu/Data Entry/Transaction File

5.  Print reports (Main Menu/Analysis/Report Generator) to verify all data you have entered

6.  Upload data to SmartFlex.  Go to Main Menu/Utility Programs/Export Information to Debit Card and press "Send".  This will provide SmartFlex with a census of participants, their dependents, and initial debit card balances.

Each subsequent pay day:

1.  Update scheduled withholdings (Main Menu/Data Entry/Update Withholdings) in order to download claims data from SmartFlex

2.  Once all data in Fast-Flex Plus has been verified for accuracy, then “Upload” data to SmartFlex.  Go to Main Menu/Utility Programs/Export Information to Debit Card and press "Send".  This will send up the new withholdings and any manually processed reimbursements that reduce the available balance on the debit card.