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Flex Accounts


The Flexible Spending Account Administration Solution

"Record in Use" Message

Q. I keep getting a message that a record is in use. I know that nobody else is editing this record, but I am not able to edit it either. What can I do?

A. This situation is described on page 118 of the manual.pdf file and is easily solved.

The “REMOVE VOIDED RECORDS” option (MAIN MENU- Utility Programs - Remove Voided Records) performs another vital function in addition to physically removing voided transaction records from your Fast-Flex Plus database. If the power is lost or your computer should go down while you are working with the transaction file, a record may be left in what is normally a temporary "locked" state. In this case, “locked” means the network keeps another (simultaneous) user from accessing a record while it is being modified by you. Once you are through using the record, it is normally unlocked by Fast-Flex Plus so it can be accessed by other authorized users.

If you attempt to edit a record that has been left in a “locked” state, you will receive the message "Record in Use", even though no one else is using it. In this case, you will be unable to view or change it. By using the “REMOVE VOIDED RECORDS” option, all locked records will be unlocked.

NOTE: You may receive a legitimate "Record in Use" message if you are running Fast-Flex Plus on a network and another user is already editing a record at the same time you attempt to edit it. In this case, just wait until the other user is through with it.