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Flex Accounts
Flex Accounts


The Flexible Spending Account Administration Solution

Debit Card Reimbursement

Q. Does Fast-Flex Plus have Debit Card Capabilities?

A. Unfortunately, no longer. We used to integrate with Motivano's SmartFlex® debit card, but Motivano sold their debit card business and we are looking for another debit card provider with which to partner.


However, we have a more convenient and far less expensive alternative. Keep in mind that debit card companies will charge you a significant setup fee for each debit card issued as well as a hefty monthly processing charge. Our economical alternative is for you to request that Fast-Flex Plus create a file, at the time you print reimbursement checks, that can be imported into the Easy ACH File Creator® software. This process enables you to make direct deposits into plan participant's checking accounts that have requested that reimbursement alternative, and send printed reimbursement checks to the rest.


Please refer to this link for 
other reimbursement options: